28,Mar, 2023
Weighing In On Our Cheetah Population
The fastest land animal on the planet is the cheetah, but even a cheetah must stop to get weighed. At ZA Cheetah Conserv...
02,Mar, 2022
Adam’s SWZ Retail Scale Study
Adam Equipment retail scales help businesses of all kinds to provide fast, accurate weighing for both customers and user...
09,Feb, 2021
Donating CPWplus Scale to Shepreth Wildl...
Adam Equipment donated CPWplus 200L to Shepreth Wildlife Park, an animal sanctuary located in the UK. They use the scale...
20,Jul, 2020
Improve the Hair Color Process With Adam...
A Virginia hair salon owner finds that the Highland precision balance can be just as much at home in a salon as a lab
28,Aug, 2019
Cheetah Outreach Using The CPWplus Scale...
A dealer of Adam Equipment scales and balances in South Africa, Scaletec, sponsored a CPWplus scale for Cheetah Outreach...
30,Jan, 2019
CBK Bench Scale Saves Materials and Mone...
Blastoff, UK, needed a single quality product to handle various weighing tasks and changing conditions for many of their...