Fast and efficient, the PMB moisture analyser by Adam Equipment provides an alternative to the time-consuming method of oven testing. The PMB moisture balance not only hastens the drying process, it minimises the possibility of burning a sample, which can produce false results by maximising its its multiple heating features and easy to read digital display for accurated readings.
With fast results and quicker testing processes, adam equipment moisture balance can be use in a variety of applications inculding environmental studies, science and labaratories, agriculture, engineering, and building management.
Importance of Moisture Analysers
The PMB uses the basic "loss-on-drying" technique to simultaneously weigh and heat the sample, reducing the testing period and providing greater measurement accuracy. In many cases, the PMB can replace traditional oven testing and also the Karl Fischer titration method of analysing moisture. Moisture analysers are used to determine and understanding how moisture is gained, lost, and stored over time.
With simple operation and rapid response time, PMB offers top value in moisture analysis. USB and RS-232 interfaces facilitate connectivity, while another USB port allows storage of test programs and data on flash drives.