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Roller Decks

Roller decks fit directly atop bench and floor weighing platforms for easy installation. Galvanised steel rollers rotate in two different orientations for convenient loading and offloading.
Warranty 2 years

Key Specifications

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Made from galvanized steel, roller decks are designed to easily fit on top of Adam Equipment platforms. Unlike conventional rollers, when installed on bench and floor scale platforms, they allow parcels to be easily moved across them in two different orientations to accommodate front-to-back or side-to-side loading. Roller decks work with a wide range of bench and floor scales, including ABK bench weighing scales, AFK floor weighing scales,BCT advanced label printing scales, BKT label printing scales, GBK bench checkweighing scales and GFK floor checkweighing scales.

Features and Benefits


    Pan Size
    Request a Quote
    Roller deck (31.51140013828 800x600mm
    Roller deck (15.71140013826 400x300mm
    Roller deck (19.71140013827 500x400mm